Sunday, March 8, 2009

yes i did this video myself. I had to post it on youtube first in order
to be able to post in blogger.


  1. Jamie,
    Your posting certainly points out a crisis that exist not only in America but throughout much of the world - The Homeless. Most of us that live and work in suburbia are isolated from the bitter reality and hardships that the homeless must endure on a daily basis.

    The black-and-white slide show portion of your video clip seemed very apropos for the topic. Additionally,the video clip did cause me to ponder what I might do to help the homeless.


  2. Ethos- was the man representing the johnas foundation. This gives the film credibility through a name and reputation. Really liked the pictures and the music really tied into the movie very well. The logos was the statistics . I especially enjoyed how they gave the numbers ofthe rich people and then the poor. I thought the pictures where very insightful. The video as a whole looked very professional and well executed. I liked how the video also gave people a chance to get envolved by being able to check out the Johnas website.

  3. This is definitely a topic that we don’t talk about it. The fact that we don’t live it as much as people do in the cities makes us indifferent to this social issue. The images were the pathos part of the commercial. I certainly was touch with all the people in the streets holding children. The guy who talked for the foundation is the ethos part and he persuaded me to think about homeless people and how we can help them. I really like the commercial, and I think the way that you approached this topic was very good.

  4. Jamie gave the logos in the first clip of the video, ethos in the second, and pathos in the third.I felt emotionally affected by the pathos section of the video, even though I didn't realize at the time it was the pathos section, a good sign that Jamie had her sections well organized and focused on what their purposes were supposed to be for this presentation. Good opening, really helped get the attention of the audience and get them listening to what the video had to say. I don't really focus on things if they say things like that personally but I'm sure it would do the trick for alot of people.

  5. Journal #17

    Homelessness is a subject that people don’t always think of as an environmental concern, but this commercial shows the effect the homeless can have on our streets. The logos I identified is that homeless cause litter and pollution. The ethos is the Jonah Project helping the homeless. Pictures of homeless people are the pathos, along with the music.

    I really liked that the commercial’s music, it made me feel concerned for the homeless. The beginning of the commercial states how America is one of the richest countries and how many homeless people we have, and the music starts with the word incompatible. How can we be a rich nation with so many homeless. We are a selfish nation. And if you don’t want to call our nation selfish, then you can call it a stupid nation. Why are we bailing out multimillion dollar companies, which then turn around and give the money to employee “contracts/bonuses”. These are already the rich people with million dollar homes and nice cars. We should be helping those who have no place to sleep and find a cardboard box has great value.

  6. This video started out with in my opinion a logos/pathos mix section. It showed some pictures of homeless people that can hit on the emotional side of things then went quickly into the part talking about how homeless people dispose of their trash whereever they are instead of putting it in trash cans like we all have at our houses. Then the ethos was when Cody came on from the Johna project talking about his first hand experience and what he is trying to do to help the cause. This video did a great job of calling people to action with the video clip of Cody. He asked a very critical question about if we could take one second to think about all the people out there who are without a home or shelter and try to think of just one little thing to help them out. Great movie and very well done to get the point across.
